かたる:to talk in depth どく:poison わな:trap でも:but むだ(な):futile
Today is a very exciting day for us because Japanese Tango has gone live today and is open for people to visit. You can register…
~からって ① Just because ~ ② ~is not a good enough reason[casual version of ~からといって]~からといって ① Just because ~ ② ~is not a good enough…
NにとってX what is X for N; what is X to NNにとって for N; to NX X何なんと言いってもX undeniably X best fits the description mentioned in the…
[Vる/Vない]ことになっている It is expected that[Vる/Vない]ことになる be decided that(まるで)[N1]のような[N2] [N2] like [N1]まるで)Nのように Do verb like N様よう ①way, manner, situation ② appearing…, looking… ③way to…, method of…
~とはかぎらない It is not always the case that~~べきだ/~べきではない should/shouldn’t
あさい:shallow えいご:English あいす: to love はと: pigeon
~が気きに入いる be fond of ~ (suits to someone's taste)にちゅういする be careful about~~に気きをつける be careful about ~;~こと vs ~の Noun Phrase~に気きがつく notice ~Changing Verb (Group 3 verbs) 変化を表す動詞
あまやかす to pamper, to spoilのめる[potential] Potential of のむだまる to become silent, to hold one's tougue, to be quiet[X]ば[X]ほど[Y] the more/less X, the more/less Yおかげかokageka Perhaps…
どうりで indeed; no wonderわけ ① reason, ground ② meaning~(という)わけだ ①that’s why ~; no wonder ~ ② so you mean~[Xは]Yほど~ない X is not so much ~as Y…